This month I went to Las Vegas for DEFCON and decided to write about my experience and advice id give for other 1st time goers.

So to start I’d like to add a bit about myself. Currently I do not work in IT/Cyber Security but am currently in courses to help me get a career started in the field. I have an interest in both hardware and software and would like to try my hand at red-teaming some day.

Beyond this I see DEFCON as a great way to learn more about the field/industry/hobby, and what helps are all the villages, Red/Blue Team, AI, BioHacking, Radio, even Voting Machine hacking! And what’s better is if you already have an idea of what you are doing, or even if you dont there are plenty of challenges and CTFs(Capture The Flags) that are a great way to practice.

As a final bit before I go into more details, for those who dont really know the true scale of DEFCON, the entire convention takes place across Caesars Forum, LINQ, Harrah’s, and The Flamingo, and even after the official doors close for the day, there are plenty of parties like Gothcon, or the Blue teams pool party, this year featured Dual Core. Plus groups have events such as DCFurs or Lonely Hackers Club(great resource for newbies myself included to find people to hangout with)

My personal guide to DEFCON

So to begin I’d like to make a list of things that are a good idea to bring to the con with you, this will be an overall list that will include things for different niches or things todo so not all of it is needed.

  • Backpack, trust me you’ll want it
  • Laptop & Charger, be careful with bluetooth/WiFi but it has many uses
  • Book & Pen, great for taking notes and names
  • Portable Battery
  • Cables for your devices
  • Cash, alot of DEFCON is cash based, cards are now trickling in but its easier with cash

For the Hardware oriented

  • Portable Soldering Iron(look into pinecil)
  • A few spare USB-C / micro ports(you never know)
  • Solder, Flux & some solder wick

For Software

  • A USB with venoty(allows easy Live Booting of an OS)
  • If you have it, bring your Flipper
  • Needed cables for ethernet, or USB connection if needed for challenges

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One response to “DEFCON 31”

  1. S4LM0N Avatar

    Looking Good so far, glad you had fun!

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